Upcoming Products of panKUKU



In this article, we will talk about the upcoming products of panKUKU and why it is getting popular.

Press Release

Amazon Music Disney Promo

 panKUKU is one of the revolutionary projects that is making headlines on a regular basis. The project is inspired by Pancakeswap but it is bigger and better in every way.

panKUKU and its future products


KUKU Shop is the first and most convenient webshop where you can pay with your cryptocurrency. It will have a very comprehensive product range from various top online shopping sites like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Lowe’s, and Home Depot. All items listed on this eCommerce platform will be sold as a drop shipping internet service. The platform will offer fast, secure, and convenient online shopping, directly from your favorite online stores. It will be launched in August 2022.

KUKU wallet

KUKU Wallet is one of the best products that allows users to receive and trade cryptocurrencies with ease. Users can also engage in KUKU swaps and trade tokens instantly from your KUKU wallet. Similarly, the wallet can be easily linked to all products and services in the ecosystem. KUKU wallet will be launched in the month of July this year.


There are two parts of this product, first a play-to-earn game and another one is A Pay to Play Winnings Game. This platform will provide a lot of opportunities for the users. It allows users to make. Kuku play will be launched in November this year and both games will be launched next year.

Predictions and Launchpad

PanKUKU will also feature prediction and launchpad features. While the prediction feature will help the traders to make investment decisions more profitable the launchpad will become a platform that will become a place from where new ideas and products will be launched in the market. These platforms will be launched in the September month of 2022.

Participate in PreSale

Buying KUKU tokens in presale guarantees the benefits and profits in the near future since the price is as low as  0.0000002 BNB or ~ $0.00008, and additional rewards are a bonus on it. PanKUKU Presale is starting on May 8, 2022, and will end on May 15, 2022. Don’t miss the opportunity and invest in the KUKU token now to experience a better and more powerful DEX platform for all your trading, transaction, and other crypto activities. 

Visit here to p[articipate in PanKUKU Pre Salehttps://bit.ly/3kEY8MQ