New Release Highlights the Importance of Electing the Right People



Assessing the Character of Candidates for National Political Office is a perfect and timely book for voters who are willing to make the right electoral decisions for the greater good of the nation.

Press Release

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In an era when stakes are higher than ever in political decision-making, the groundbreaking new book Assessing the Character of Candidates for National Political Office: In Search of a Collaborative Spirit by Gordon J Hilsman delves into the critical importance of electing the right people to hold positions of power.

Assessing the Character of Candidates for National Political Office is a book that offers readers an enlightening and thought-provoking exploration into the consequences of political decisions, the importance of specific character traits, and the need for informed electoral choices.

The book is a comprehensive exploration of the pivotal role that choosing the right political representatives plays in shaping the trajectory of a nation. The book also emphasizes upholding moral values and how they can make a difference at large. Gordon’s book also discusses how the character, vision, and competence of political leaders impact policy-making, societal change, and the well-being of the citizens.

Assessing the Character of Candidates for National Political Office is a perfect and timely book for voters who are willing to make the right electoral decisions for the greater good of the nation.

About the Author

Gordon J. Hilsman is retired from over 45 years as a certified clinical pastoral educator, training clergy and other professionals to assist people in hospital, hospice, mental health, and addiction treatment settings with life decisions and critical recovery issues. He is married and the father of three grown children, living and writing now from the Pacific Northwest. He wrote the book Assessing the Character of Candidates for National Political Office to highlight the importance and possibility of evaluating political candidates’ character before we elect them. He aims to use this delicate yet impactful approach to contribute to a brighter tomorrow.