Movie Casting Agents, Directors, and Producers Are Looking At West Africa For Future Films



DJR Media and Marketing Inc, Considering Nigeria and Other sub-Saharan Countries As Locations For Ten Independent Movies To Begin Filming in 2025.

Press Release

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Atlanta, GA, USA, December 6, 2023 — Bishop DJ Roker visited Nigeria, West Africa in 2014, on a mission trip with his Church, and fell in love with the people, the food, and the culture. Now, almost a decade later, Roker intends to return to the sub-Saharan nation, but this time for entirely different mission altogether. DJ Roker, President and CEO of the Atlanta-based media consulting firm DJR Media and Marketing Inc, has been in talks with several independent filmmakers and production companies in the U.S., the U.K., and Nigeria, in an effort to invest in family-friendly movies, filmed and produced in Africa.

Nollywood, Nigeria’s film industry, is the world’s second-largest, behind India’s Bollywood. However, despite its impressive size and reach, Nollywood face several challenges that limits its growth and impact. One of the biggest being the need for funding. Nigerian films are often made on shoestring budgets, which limits the production quality. Yet, in spite of these challenges, the films produced are very relatable to the average Nigerian and West African. Oftentimes, Nollywood films tackle social issues and problems facing the culture on a daily basis. And because they’re so relatable and trendy, this popularity leads to social change. West African films are starting to have an impact on social norms and attitudes Continent-wide. They’re constantly challenging traditional values and beliefs and inspiring people to think differently about the world around them.

“DJR Media and Marketing Inc, plans to invest in Africa’s growing film industry, by producing positive, family-oriented films and movies, primarily featuring West African actors from Nigeria, Ghana, and neighboring countries. Within a decade, we endeavor to produce and distribute hundreds of quality films worldwide, beginning with our first 10 allotment in 2025,” says DJ Roker, CEO.

DJ Roker (President and CEO)
+1901-334-9841 / +1404-300-3098
Email: [email protected]