February results and 2020 target of more than 100% net return



    Atrad.io February results and 2020 target

    Press Release

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    Atrad.io ends February with a performance of 7.54%, the 4th consecutive month of increase, in line with the annual objective of more than 100% net return (for the investor).
    If Bitcoin rose by more than 50% between the beginning of January and mid-February, it has lost almost 20% since then. The main stock market indexes also continue to plummet; even gold, the ultimate haven, is falling as well.
    Against this backdrop of widespread decline, the expertise developed by Atrad.io once again shows its relevance and solidity, without any jolts.

    With more than 5 years of history, Atrad.io is today the best crypto-currency arbitrage platform on the market and the only one that is 100% automated for the investor. The latter deposits his funds, and atrad.io makes them work for him without the need for him to take care of them. Registration in less than a minute, deposits and withdrawals free of charge, and remuneration exclusively based on performance. Enough to take advantage of the high volatility of cryptos such as Bitcoin, both up and down, without any particular risk.
    Performance and simplicity of registration and use help explain the success of the platform.

    Don’t miss such an opportunity!

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