Everest – The Final Conquer?



    Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes you spin around. What differentiates the climbers who peak Everest? Is it physical strength or brains? Is it? You're surprised to learn that it is neither of these attributes that distinguish the women and the men.

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    Every year in March many people from all over the world set their websites to get Mt. Everest the tallest mountain in the world at 29,035 feet above sea level. At this altitude, you may find 747’s and other airplanes flying where helicopters can’t. So it no walks in the park. One of the reasons that novice climbers are able to summit the mountain each year is a result of the folks known as Sherpa’s that are suited for the harsh environment. They bring provides not only but also onto the mountain. They are the very first to summit each climbing season putting the essential equipment on the mountain so that other experienced climbers are able to successfully summit Mt. Everest.


    Most climbers who challenge Mt. Everest hire the services of a guide to making the necessary arrangements to climb it. The prices are in the area of $40,000 dollars for every climber who wants to take on Everest. So just what can you get for your money? You get your private Sherpa who is your one on one personal climbing partner, trainer, and mentor. Second, you get food, water, shelter, a two-way radio for continuous communication with the manual, and bottled air including a mask that is placed at strategic locations higher up on the mountain for each climber to reach their ultimate goal to summit the maximum mountain in the world.


    There’s a whole lot of prep the guide in addition to each individual climber should accomplish before the assent to the top of the mountain begins. The next concern once other basic preparations have been met is none aside from the weather. The weather can be so intense that eight people lost their lives while on Everest due to a blizzard that proceeded in were not ready for this. So before visiting Everest it is suggested to have proper information about the Everest climbing season.

    Every climber has a two-way radio to stay in constant contact with the guide so as to keep a keen eye on any weather conditions that may affect their very lives. With each thing in place and when the weather is willing the climbers are given the green light to start their ascent up the mountain which is going to be broken up into phases called camps.